• Friday, July 26 2013 @ 08:54 pm UTC
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DIANE AND I ARE TRULY GRATEFUL TO VIET AN ANKE BACHMANN OF VON TENTE KENNELS OF NORTH FT MYERS FL I cannot express how grateful Diane and I are with the continued help and support we receive from Veit and Anka Bachmann of Von Tente Kennels.

When we first brought our Baxter to Florida we sought out a training facility that could not only straighten out this rambunctious pup but also teach us how to train and evaluate GSD's for our up coming rescue. For these past 6+ years we have used the training Veit gave to us to repeatedly rehab and subsequently re-home over 365 of SW Florida's throw away GSD's. The skill that Veit is able to impart has as a trainer, a mentor and a humanitarian goes far beyond any simple kennel operation. Both Veit and Anka have continually opened their home to help us rescue dogs and they have always done so willingly, professionally and compassionately and for these things we sincerely thank them for their continued support and friendship. They don't make them like that anymore!

It is and continues to be our recommendation that when getting a new dog, from us or anywhere, that training is the most important element of ownership. Taking the dog to socialized training, done by professionals in a multi dog platform, is by far the best way for you and the dog to learn. Learning facilitates bonding and bonding makes for life long friends. Dogs are never throw a ways, but family members that need the same level of training and guidance as any child. The skills you can learn from Veit at Von Tente will make you and your family pet life partners.

We strongly recommend using Veit as a trainer, at his facility because in home training, one on one, rarely works when the dog is distracted by real world events and confusion. For information please call Veit at Veit & Anke Bachmann E-Mail : Veitbachmann@aasvtk.com

phone 239-543-5608
fax 239-543-1342